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Chapter 10 Concluding Remarks

DOI: 10.23912/9781911396734-4252

ISBN: 9781911396734

Published: July 2019

Component type: chapter

Published in: An Introduction to Sustainable Tourism

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911396734-4151



I hope that by now you can see that ‘sustainability’, a deceptively simple word, is a journey itself. The guiding principles of sustainability are to strategically plan using a holistic and adaptive approach; preserve essential ecological processes as well as protect human heritage and biodiversity; develop in a way that sustains productivity over the long-term for all generations; and achieve a better balance of fairness and opportunity between nations. No small task and one that defies our current business-as-usual approach. According to the UNWTO, the end goal for sustainable tourism as a sector is to “take full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities”. It’s a constant process of measuring your impacts, adjusting your practices, working with stakeholders and supply chains, keeping abreast of sustainability-oriented innovations, and scanning your social, technological, environmental, economic and political environments to be able to manage the changes that are inevitably coming your way. In this way, we move from linear thinking to a more systems-based approach that sees tourism as part of a wider, complex whole.

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Coghlan, 2019

Coghlan, A. (2019) "Chapter 10 Concluding Remarks" In: Coghlan, A. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911396734-4252


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