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Hospitality > Tourism studies

Forthcoming title

Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism 2nd edition 18865 visits

A global perspective

Levent Altinay, Anna Farmaki, Zaid Alrawadieh

ISBN: Hardback: 9781917433044 Paperback: 9781917433037 eBook: 9781917433051

A new and definitive overview of the vital role and effective practice of entrepreneurship in one of the most dynamic industry sectors in the world. With a highly qualified international team of contributors, the editors clearly outline the key theoretical perspectives and go on to cover the various types of entrepreneurship.

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Emerging Trends in Consumer Behaviour in the Service Sector 110214 visits

Saloomeh Tabari, Nazan Colmekcioglu, Wei Chen

ISBN: Hardback: 9781915097620; Paperback: 9781915097637; eBook: 9781915097644; DOI: 10.23912/9781915097644-5756

A fresh and comprehensive perspective on current and innovative topics related to consumer preferences, attitudes, perceptions and reactions in service industries. It delves into the impact of contemporary trends and emerging technology, by providing a holistic view on the future of the trends and behaviour within the service sector.

Forthcoming title

Coaching and Mentoring in Tourism, Hospitality and Events 72132 visits

Diana Clayton, Judie M Gannon, Anna Klenert

ISBN: 9781915097743 HBK; 9781915097729 PBK; 9781915097750 eBook

A comprehensive exploration of mentoring and coaching and its’ application within the THE industries.

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Reputation and Image Recovery for the Tourism Industry 131994 visits

Gabby Walters, Judith Mair

ISBN: 9781911396673 HBK; 9781911396680 PBK; 9781911396697 eBook

Via real life cases studies it contextualises the relevant theories on tourism, marketing and communication, and unpacks examples of best practice to illustrate how carefully managed response strategies can ensure the future survival of an organisation.

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Foodies and Food Tourism 198576 visits

Donald Getz, Tommy Andersson, Richard Robinson, Sanja Vujicic

ISBN: HBK 978-1-908999-99-3; PBK 978-1-910158-00-5

Evidence and theory based overview of the phenomenon of food tourism and how it is developed, marketed and understood.

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Marketing in Food, Hospitality, Tourism and Events 206360 visits

A Critical Approach

Richard Tresidder, Craig Hirst

ISBN: 978-1-906884-52-9 hbk; 978-1-906884-22-2 pbk

A unique and critical insight into the marketing process and begins a debate about the nature of the contemporary Food, Tourism, Events & Hospitality industries.

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