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Hospitality management > Tourism

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Principles of Festival Management 92242 visits

Chris Newbold, Jennie Jordan, Paul Kelly, Kristy Diaz

ISBN: 978-1-911396-82-6 HBK; 978-1-911396-83-3 PBK; 978-1-911396-84-0 eBook

A complete guide to developing and running a festival from inception to evaluation, covering all aspects of festival management and key central issues and contemporary debates.

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The Origins of Hospitality and Tourism 190780 visits

Kevin D O'Gorman

ISBN: 978-1-906884-08-6

'''The Origins of Hospitality and Tourism''' is an exciting new text about the true origins of hospitality and tourism, identifying how an understanding the past can inform modern approaches to hospitality and tourism management.

15568 visits

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Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism 2nd edition 88127 visits

Simon Hudson, Louise Hudson

ISBN: HBK: 978-1-911396-45-1 PBK: 978-1-911396-46-8 EBOOK: 978-1-911396-47-5

A fully revised and updated new edition of this bestselling and a unique text that explains not only the theory behind the importance of customer service, but also acts as a guidebook for those wishing to put this theory into practice.

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